Upgrade Your Knife
We understand just how many variants of our knives exist. On top of this we are always adding new finishes, features, options, and styles. Our goal is to build unique pieces while advancing what's possible on a custom knife. Because so many things are handmade it's possible to change your knife to be truly yours. We have a few ways of doing this. First is our Trade-In Program which allows you to exchange a base version knife and receive another. If the program is not running or you didn't see anything you like, you can let us know by using the form on this page. The third way is to visit our Parts Shop and find ways to customize the knife yourself.

Our standard backspacer is titanium and can be modified in a number of ways including anodizing, finishing, sculpting, and filework. Typically if you see a style on one knife we can add it to yours.

If you have a base model Swish or Wayfarer 247 with a standard finish on the handle we can add a new finish with or without one of our many speed hole styles. Combined with anodizing this upgrade can change the look of the knife completely.

Pocket Clip
Our standard pocket clip is titanium which means it's possible to upgrade it by refinishing it or replacing it. Pocket clip replacements are discussed on a case by case basis.

Molten is an intricate finish for titanium that involves a lot of carving and anodizing. It proves a very tactile feel while really making the knife pop. This finish can be used in a number of ways, especially on 247 and Swish handles.

Acid Rain
Acid Rain editions have been an Olamic favorite since 2016. We don't have a setup to do these so each comes out a little different. This style can be combined with other finishes to create one-off builds.

Kinetic is the name of our brand new finish. It's possible on all titanium components such as frames or bolsters. We think it gives titanium a new life with its wood-grain pattern.