Just in time for Blade Show we completed a few knives with a brand new steel. What you’re seeing is our proprietary in-house High Carbon Vanadium Damascus but with Mokume-style layers of copper and nickel. This is a new process for us that took months and months of trial and error to formulate. Just a few knives with this steel have been made so far but we’re looking to expand the process and build more.

Incredible, astonishing, gorgeous!
I do not know what my website is.
Absolutely the finest looking I have seen to date. I need to own one of these.
Absolutely the finest looking blades I have seen to date. I need to own one of these.
Would love to get my hands on one . They are SWEET !
So creative. So sweet. I need some in my collection. Like, right NOW. Who cares how much!
Congrats for the good looking knives – these do look better than some (excuse me) drivel you will encounter at Blade; also these blades have an archaic / prehistoric feel to them which I do like -they should almost look more vicious, more raw and strange, not super-well- resolved, kind of like the dagger on the photos 4 & 5 but more raw, more aggressive, more African or Polynesian… Cheers!
Wow, impressive, a real eye catcher! Would love to see this steels as a big sub-hilt bowie! now that would really catch your eye!
hI IS theese from pakistan?
Theoretical question, im creating a character that is a Warrior wizard for a little story of mine and im a huge forged in fire fan so i know a little about knives and metal forging, but my question is could one have a Mokume Damascus staff, and it be a viable weapon?!? Is Mokume Damascus strong enough to be turned into a staff and could potentially be used to block swords, claws, arrows or whatever else i can throw at my character?!? By the way Beautiful blades!!
so if your character is specifically a warrior wizard class that’s an automatic boost in all weapons-related stats which offsets whatever potential damage resistance handicap the staff might have as a factor of being Mokume Damascus. if you look closely and i doubt that forged in fire will teach you this, any proper forge welded or san mai or sandwich damascus will be stacked and ground in a way as to not allow any layers of the softer outside metals to touch the edge. the core is either our high carbon vanadium damascus or a tool steel both of which are geared towards performance, which in turn will not be sacrificed if the outside layers don’t touch the edge. and moreover still since your character is also a wizard class AND the staff is Mokume Damascus (it’s at least a legendary item obv) then that multiplies all combat damage done by 1.22x. so in fact, i’d say that this steel is perfect for a Warrior Wizard.
Like Sam the Butcher, I bring Alice the meat
Beautiful blades.
thank you
Interesting, but surely there’s going to be an issue with galvanic corrosion? If not, curious how you’ve arrested it.
galvanic is only when the metals are electrically connected, with an added electrolyte, which is something I just learned on the internet. in our case they are forged and pressed, no current or anything, so it’s not an issue
The most beautiful blades I’ve ever seen! I would absolutely love to learn how you do this . It must be an incredible process to get that all to forge weld together. You are a master blade smith!
Can I purchase one of these knives?
I’m actively coveting these knives. If I understand you reply about the wizard’s staff, the knives are steel damascus with mokume gana as the outer layers of a sam mi(spelling?). Is that a close approximation?
Just because I was a marine electrician for a while, I’d add to you answer about galvination that will need to be careful around salt water, lemon juice, or anything that will act like a battery acid. Clean after every use, dry thoroughly and use a little bit of oil to create the barrier. That’s what the jewelers I know suggest for mokume jewelry. I miss talking to other crafts people.
Where can I get some blank stock material
I was wondering about pricing of these stunningly beautiful blades.
Yes, very good looking knife, but how does it hold up to extreme use?
Can you make it with gold instead of copper?
I would like to purchase one of these (personally the one in pictures 4-6 is amazing). How can I make this gapoen?
What do you do with the blades that have blend or do not have the pattern you are working for? Are they for sale? I would pay a reasonable price for knives that will be a life long knife but just didn’t look the way it was intended. Thanks for the consideration, David Sharpe
Blems- small errors that do not change the performance, I should have reviewed before sending
Incorrect spelling- blend
Gorgeous, what kind of steel are you using? I like the seventh picture, I guess that the hilt is copper…I was also wondering about the handle, what kind of wood it is. How much would one cost?
Can I buy one of those knives?
a couple just completed, email eugene at olamiccutlery.com